March 5, 2016, Single Step Mixing Technology and Application Scientific Result Verification Conference is successfully held in Shandong Feng Yuan Tire Manufacturing Co., Ltd. About one hundred tire experts and industry peers from domestic rubber industry participated in this meeting.
Single Step Mixing technology and application project is executed by Shandong Feng Yuan Tire Manufacturing Co., Ltd, technically supported by TTA (Qingdao) Tire Technology Co., Ltd, co-developed by NU and DXS.
The SSM technology verified this time is the 3rd generation of low temperature single step mixing technology in China since 2006 which is called as 4.0 system. This system improves compound winding-up, on-line weighing, rubber purifying and other functions. With these improvements, the quality and production are dramatically upgraded.
After listening to project report and paying field visit, the participants gave high opinion on the system. Verification result: it is of world-leading level, and shall be promoted in the whole rubber industry!
TTA is the pioneer of blue tire technology. Chairman Li Hanqing has always been devoting himself to continuous innovation and promotion of low temperature SSM technology since he brought this technology into China rubber industry in 2006. In this conference, he made a speech with title Application of Blue Tire Technology in Tire Industry.
最后,丰源轮胎借此机会发出了成立 炼胶创新联盟倡议。邀请全国橡胶企业携手联盟共同推动炼胶行业的研发和创新!
At last, Feng Yuan company proposed to establish a rubber mixing innovation alliance to invite all rubber companies in China together to boost the innovation and prosperity of rubber mixing industry!

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