中图分类号:TQ333.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-3174(2000)03-0023-05
Technical advance
in ethylene/propylene elastomer
made using metallocene catalysts
(Latex Research Center of Lanzhou Chemical Indastry Corpor ation,CNPC,Lanzhou,730060)
synthesis,characterization,reaction mechanism and progress in indus try of
ethylene/propylene elastomer with metallocene catalysts were discussed,Th e metallocene
catalytic systems and the structure and properties of the elastome r were introduced
Key words:ethylene/propylene
elastomer;metallocene catalys t;structure;property
郝爱(中国石油兰州化学工业公司胶乳研制中心,甘肃 兰州 730060)
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收稿日期:2000-07-03 |