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2000 Vol.10 No.3

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Synthesis of ethylene propylene copolymer used as viscosity index improver for lubricating oil CAI Xiao-ping,ZOU Xiang-yang,ZH ANG Hong-jiang 〈Abstract〉 (1)
The effect of silicon resin on the heat resistance property of si licon rubber WEI Bo-rong,HUANG Feng
 〈Abstract〉 (5)
Study on copolymerization of N-Butyl maleimide and butyl acrylate TAN Hong-yan,LIU Peng-sheng
 〈Abstract〉 (8)
The recipe study of improving the flowability of SBR/PP thermopla stic elastomer GUO Hong-ge,LI Liang,XIE Yan
 〈Abstract〉 (11)
The effects of LDA/APP for the property of mechanical for NBR ZOU De-rong,MAO Xiao-ming
 〈Abstract〉 (15)
Graft copolymerization of acrylonitrile onto EPDM in xylene 
ZHANG Wei-ying,LI Xiao,LI Xing-Yu,LI He
 〈Abstract〉 (18)
