
发布时间:2014-12-21 18:32:06   人浏览 来源: 橡胶技术网

橡胶技术网 - 国际展会

  TIPREX 2015是由亚洲杜塞尔多夫展览有限公司,泰国塑料工业协会和泰国工业联合会联合主办,于2015年8月26日-29日在泰国曼谷国际贸易展览中心举行。该展会不仅在泰国当地有很大的影响力,而且在在东南亚、中国等地都有很大的市场,是一个塑料、橡胶综合性展会。

  “T-PLAS是继德国K展(杜塞尔多夫展)之后的又一重要塑料行业展会。届时,该展会将为广大参展者提供一场关于塑料原料、塑料机械、塑料半成品以及塑胶制品的视觉盛宴。此外,T-PLAS还为东道主泰国提供了一个向全球展示其东南亚最大塑料加工市场的机会。”德国杜塞尔多夫展览公司亚洲区域总监Gernot Ringling说道。


  TIPREX 2015 - Moulding the future of plastics & rubber

  Presenting a comprehensive range of products, services and innovations from basic to advanced solutions, TIPREX - Thai International Plastics and Rubber Exhibition is an international showcase of current and emerging trends, and technological developments.

  A plastics and rubber exhibition that was first launched six years ago for the industry, by the industry, TIPREX is jointly organized by Messe Duesseldorf Asia, Thai Plastic Industries Association and The Federation of Thai Industries - Plastic Industry Club. The exhibition is supported by Messe Duesseldorf GmbH, organizer of K, the No. 1 international trade fair for plastics and rubber.

  TIPREX 2015 - Your fastest link to ASEAN's dynamic plastics and rubber industries

  See innovation come alive from some of the world's market leaders

  Meet other trade professionals from Thailand and around the world

  Acquire new contacts and beneficial partnerships

  Develop real business transactions and sales leads


  Shirley Lim

  General Manager

  (65) 6332 9626


  Lee Ai Ling

  Project Manager

  (65) 6332 9644


  Catherine Ruanto

  Project Executive

  (65) 6332 9627


  Apple Yu

  Project Coordinator

  (65) 6332 9678



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